Scoop De Doo is a family-owned pooper scooper service specializing in the removal and sanitation of pet waste and dog stations in Jupiter, Florida.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s classification of dog poop as a pollutant is based on the nutrients and pathogens that seep into soil and water and impact wildlife, plant growth, and human health. The nitrogen and phosphorus in dog feces cause an overgrowth of algae and weeds, which can destroy aquatic life and also make the water unsuitable for swimming or boating. In addition to the overgrowth of plants, disease-causing worms, bacteria, and viruses thrive in the waste entering the water supply and can potentially harm you or your family.
Many signs of infection seen in people may look similar to signs seen in your dog. Be sure to ask your veterinarian for advice if you are unsure about which signs to look for or if your dog is displaying any of the signs listed below. The most common signs that your pet may be suffering from a fecal-borne bacterial infection are diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
Parvovirus is highly contagious and resistant to many disinfectants. It can survive in the environment for up to two years. If your dog comes into contact with contaminated objects, clothing, surfaces, or other contaminated dogs, he/she may develop vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, fever, and possibly bloody diarrhea, which can lead to a potentially life-threatening condition. The dogs most likely to contract parvovirus are young puppies undergoing their first vaccination series, older unvaccinated dogs, dogs under stress, dogs co-infected with the parasite, and certain breeds such as German Shepherds, Rottweilers, American Pit Bull Terriers, and Doberman Pinschers.
Nitrogen in dog waste is not a fertilizer like the nitrogen in cow manure. Dogs have a higher nitrogen concentration in their waste than cows because their diet consists of more proteins. Poop that is not promptly picked up can take a year to naturally decompose. The high nitrogen content also burns your lawn’s green grass.
These days, maintaining a healthy and sanitized environment for our families is so important. Pet Waste Removal Services like Scoop De Doo will routinely care for your home and keep neighborhoods clean in Jupiter, Florida. Additionally, we provide a pet-friendly and environmentally-safe virus disinfecting spray as an additional service to go along with our regular pooper scooper service. WYSIWASH is effective against many canine viruses, including Canine Coronavirus. Ask us about our disinfecting sprays.
Dog Stations are free-standing units that can be placed anywhere to allow dog owners to clean up after their dog’s poop. Waste dispensers provide bags to properly dispose of their pet’s poop without hassle. For every dog owner picking up their dog’s poop during a walk or at a dog run, there is someone else who walks away hoping no one saw them leave the waste behind. Dog stations with accessible and convenient pet waste disposal materials nearby may significantly reduce the number of these incidences.
Our stations are ventilated and include covered cans made from heavy gauge, rust-proof, powder-coated steel. Waste is secured by a handle-hinged lid that keeps out the elements, and a retainer band keeps the liner firmly in place. We also provide poopy pouches and other supplies needed to clean up after your pet.
So, bag it, trash it, and keep Jupiter, Florida community clean.
Picking up poop in your yard weekly (more often is better, and definitely recommended before a big rain) is a dirty chore. Hire a dog poop collection service. Call Scoop De Doo at (561) 793-9191 for details on our pet waste removal service price packages and dog station supplies. We do the dirty work so you don’t have to!
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